Thursday, August 25, 2011

got into a BIG show

I found out on Monday I got into a big craft fair. It's juried and it is my first juried event.
Not sure how the heck I will have enough inventory but I HOPE I have enough.
I also have a table at another small show at a local catholic parish..
Im also planning on listing my ornaments on September first-  and will be making more.

ok more of everything.. so yep this hooker will be busy.
I will still be offering promo through my fan page on facebook.
and will always make time for custom work.
but - holy hooker batman!
 I have my work cut out for me between now and November..
My mom has a booth with me too this year.. but her things are more sewn or egg art.

Monday, August 22, 2011

an exciting day..

not only did I sell 6 items.. I got accpeted to a LARGE fair in November..
ANDI was reminded of a second fair in November..
so happy and OH CRUD at the same time. I have a TON of hooking to do to have the inventory I need at these fairs.
I also created a new treasury on etsy..
called yarn addict dreams. I think it is very cool.
SO a busy couple months ahead..
loads of hooking to do. ;)
thankfully my kiddo will be headed back to school soon.